Vita Nuova: Can you name any female equivalent (or superior) to the achievements of an Einstein, a Shakespeare, or a Michelangelo?
frenchbabyface: I don't give a damn myself about Einstein, Shakespeare, Mickeal who ?
"Mickeal who?" You must be kidding.
those guys have been raised by women !!! and was quiet lazy !!! (sure they got time enough to do whatever they want and could)
Sure, they had mothers, I agree. I celebrate the family institution. But as for being lazy? This childish comment can be nothing more than the sum of ignorance and fevered feminism (I know I'll draw ire for that one).
Men couldn't stand that Jeane d'Arc did what she did but they couldn't denial it (cause everybody acknolegde what she did they couldn't hide it) so they said she was crazy !!! LOL (interesting don't you think ? And she didn't have kids yet ... does that talk to you ??? hum ... ???)Well, the remarkable Jeanne D'Arc herself claimed she had the aid of divine inspiration. She was being guided by the "voices" of St. Michael, St.Catherine, and St. Margaret. That's what talks to me... err, not the voices of Saints but that she exhibited enough piety to acknowledge the presence of the divine for what she could have taken credit for herself.